November 27 is dedicated to technical and engineering aspects of soft robotics. During the day several tutorials will be made about modeling, simulation, control and fabrication of Soft Robotics.
Modeling, Simulation & Control (9h-12h30)
- 9h15-10h45 Christian Duriez & Damien Marchal (INRIA/CNRS):
Hands on the Sofa simulation framework with its SoftRobots plugins. More details and content at SoftRobots tutorial
- 11h00-12h30 Sylvain Lefebvre (INRIA/LORIA)
Hands on ICESL, a 3D modeller and slicer for 3D printing of complex deformables shapes with in-fillling. More details at:
Lunch time (12h30-14h)
Fabrication (14h-17h), some presentation will be done in French:
- J.C. André (LRGP-UMR 7274 CNRS-UL – Nancy) (IN FRENCH):
Robotique pour la 4D ou 4D pour la robotique souple ?
- Benoit Wach:
Tutorial on additive printing for Soft-Robotics
- Arthur Colly (3D Fab/Lyon) (IN FRENCH):
"Impression 3D de matériaux souples."
La présentation portera sur les différentes techniques utilisées pour imprimer des matériaux souples (silicones, hydrogels...) avec un focus sur les techniques de dépôt de matière de la plateforme. Description des enjeux, contraintes apportées par la norme ISO 13485 sur les dispositifs médicaux.